Blogger's Block

Writer's block is a common phenomenon which we all have read some point of time. I wonder if anybody has faced a blogger's block. I am sure some must have.
While lack of creativity seems to be the primary reason for the writers, I believe bloggers may attribute it to the today's fast paced life, professional and other challengers in life. This period was the longest I had to endure. Couple of months ago PNS Sab ( was so kind to enquire about my absences from the blogging world, his enquiry moved me so much, inspired me to back and here I am.
Susan Wise Bauer
I received a request from Ms. Susan Wise Bauer, a American author (, seeking to publish my photographs taken at the Gulbarga fort in her up coming book. I readily agreed and requested her to send a copy of the published book. But guess what! Susan magnanimously sent me all six published books. For some one who loves history this is a treasure.
Reading the first two book pictured below, reminded me of reading Jawaharlal Nehru's Glimpses of World History in my teens. So beautiful researched and presented are these books.
The books pictured above, presents the whole gamut of world history in four volumes. Written in a lucid manner for children in the all age group, these books gives an extraordinary foundation for children. I am glad my children love to read these books and are using in their school too. Thanks Susan.